I just turned 50 in June and I have decided to ditch the dye. I stuck with growing out the color and every time I had a new cut, I could see the grey/white strands of hair shining through more and more (especially around my face like a light). But why turkey, and why cold? This is just how I feel. My grandmother had snow white hair and so does my mother. i am on facebok if anyone wants to be friends , i am married age 54 i recently got my hair cut really short hopefully 1 more cut and i can find a gray type color to help accent what i want my hair to look like, i buy some products at sallys beauty supply, but some stores carry some of the products for gray hair. That day, that woman not comfortable in her own skin, terrified somebody could spot her grays, decided to embrace her natural hair. Apparently, if the color you are transitioning away from is almost black, like mine was, this would cause irreversible damage to the hair, and it would cost lots of money and time! I have been to many countries; I spent 1 year in the U.S. at the age of 16 and moved to Austria 18 years ago. On the other had, I do not like to have this obligation to color my hair all the time. In many parts of the world, hair salons were closed for long . I wasn't, although I believed I was at the time. This is transition to self acceptance. I asked each of these glorious women to offer up any Words of Wisdom on going gray; they all had their own unique and silvery advice. In fact, it IS about more than hair, and if youve not found your confidence or self-worth or dont fully know who you are yet, take this time as you grow out your natural locks to also explore who you are. Octocurl Soft Heatless Hair Curlers Product Review, This is the ONE Downside to Going Gray from Dyed Hair. Who did we think we were fooling?!). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Strangers stopped me all the time about my hair and compliments me. Most people dont even noticeexcept men, who find it attractive. she has a short pixie cut and it looks great. I hope you found this post educational and helpful. I'm doing it because it grows in every 2 weeks, its exhausting and tedious. I feel I'm putting rubbish over platinum. In my 30s a few grey strands showed, and it helped to hide them. While at 55 years, I look much younger than my age; part of that comes from taking care of my skin in my youth and the other being DNA. The transition was difficult but totally worth it. This term describes the rapid onset of confusion, irritability, nausea . I am thrilled to have found this website! I was surprised to find myself embracing my natural hair color. (Yes, I know "pain" is relative, but those two inch grey roots with dark hair is pretty rough - trust me). I love this blog and have been enjoying reading about everyones various experiences. Martha Truslow Smith created Going grey with (grohm)(bray) in 2016 with a simple, yet difficult mission: to start a different dialogue . if you decide to go gray do not let others bring you down i did that for a few years but no more!!! And, this might sound funny, but my eyebrows didnt match my dyed hair color! I remember my friends being helpful by pulling out my gray strands in high-school. I think grey is beautiful I just needed the courage to do it. My hairdresser treats my hair with something to make it shiny and smoother once a month and it really works. Before the pixie cut, try to refrain as long as possible from hair dyeing. Why take the chance that it won't wash out. I know what you mean about after dying your hair, it tends to be more shinier. In the light some of my gray hair strands show sparkly silver glints and as a result I now wear brighter colours that I've not worn before and silver jewellery. We cover everything from clean beauty to sustainablefashion to natural wine, organic mattresses and more. Right now my hair is dark brown with Carmel highlights, is quite long and has very loose waves and ringlets. I have to admit, I loved it! I didn't get a great reaction from my hair dresser, so have stopped going there, and currently looking for somewhere new. Hahaha! Add to Cart . This site has given me the courage. But when her hairdresser freaked out over the decision, she realized she was heading into territory that for many is a no-go zone. Tips for Going Gray. go cold turkey phrase. Not sticking any longer, and dont want the burning harsh chemicals of the Permanent, or the skunk stripe when you stop. I stopped dyeing my hair in September 2017, after thinking about it for several years. Rookies (and I used to be one!) Cant I just dye my hair gray and skip the whole transition? The only real problems with going cold turkey is the psychology of saying goodbye to hair dye and dealing with a bold demarcation line (where the coloured hair stops). Have a hair appointment this Thursday. My hair now naturally, has a salt and pepper look to it. I have used their images and names with their permission. Im at the skunk stage, dark dyed hair & it grows in totally silver. But our society still seems to have a collective issue with the natural aging process of the female human being, so reaching for the dye as soon as the first silvery sprouts appear is de rigueur for the vast majority of women under the age of 60. A proven go-to hairstyle for growing out gray hair is also one or two French braids. 29 following. I have never worn make up and now I feel like I might want to because the grey just makes me feel washed out and bland. Thank you all. I strongly felt like shedding everything that wasnt truly me. I have received positive comments to date excepting only my origianl hairdresser. In fact, a 1920 newspaper cartoon uses the expression "cold turkey" thusly: "Now tell me on the squarecan I get by with this for the weddingdon't string metell me cold turkey." There are SEVERAL ways you can grow our your colored hair to your natural gray hair. These . Was I happier then? Approximately one year and three months into the grey hair transition, the overall effect is, er, patchy. it has good reviews. I cant wait for my hair to go even grayer/whiter and hope to enjoy the continuing journey. Hello everyone I am a new member of the silver club just three weeks in. Growing out my grey now, I have about 4 inches of natural hair at this point. So if you do speak to someone, please make sure that person has had experience with transitioning gray. Once I made the decision, there was no stopping me. Hi Im 47 and 40% grey. They wanted a mom with long, dark hair. If your hair is already a few months into the transition. But even if the Internet culture is moving toward a change in mentality and generating debate about what we should consider beautiful or not, the social norms to which weve subscribed are so anchored in some of us that its really difficult to break free from them. Today. Shave your head, no seriously. Thanks again. For me it is about finding my identity in something other than outer beauty. : Expert Advice & Inspiration from a Former Color Addict. I'm getting a super short cut. Thank everyone so much for the encouragement; so glad I found this site. My brunette identity was important to me and I . PROS & CONS TO THE COLD TURKEY GRAY GROWOUT METHOD, PROS & CONS TO TRANSITIONING TO GRAY HAIR AT THE SALON. I do feel sad sometimes, because I am used to seeing myself with dark brown hair. I'm glad there are so many of us to lend support to each other! I am changing up how I wear my hair trying to hide the transition. The men in my family are a little harder to get through too. Honestly cant wait to see what it looks like, but still hoping it wont make me look old. People would say you look so much younger with the blonde. I'm so glad I found this website to encourage me to keep going. Here are a few ways to make your cold turkey gray hair transition fun and easy! I felt rebellious. Once I started, I found it very exciting to see my natural colors emerge. And then there is the "cold turkey" method which I personally chose to do. Going grey with (grohm) (bray) A radical celebration of the natural phenomenon of grey hair. I got so fed up having to do my roots now every 2 weeks. Anyway, long story short, I took the plunge, and could not be happier with the results. I am 55 years old and in the process of transitioning to natural. That is what I am thinking of doing this week. I bought hair clips, metal hair like barrets, colored bobby puins grey bobby pins. Aveda Blonde Revival Purple Toning Shampoo 200ml. I am not looking forward to the next few months of transition I have some important work events and two big family get-togethers this summer but i know I need to stick to this. Instead of highlighting my hair blond, she highlighted my hair silver and gray. Was it hard? I found my first gray hair at the age of 11, and since my dad went gray at a young age and I only knew him when he was gray, this didnt surprise me much. Check out my first 18 months here. So I gave it a go. Not all stylists/colorists are created equal either, my semi permanent was applied at the salon who had assured me it would wash out.. Not so, unfortunately. METHOD #2: SALON TRANSITION. Depending on your hair type, it will probably take about2 years for gray hair to grow past your chin. COLD TURKEY: BUZZ CUT. At this time there was no more highlighted color, just my natural hair. It took me 9 months to be done with several big chops. Go lighter. Or do you wish him to disregard your opinions entirely? I'm so thankful to have found this blog! I may have a few highlights put in when I go for my cut next week. Anyone who has started going gray knows that this doesnt happen overnight; its a process that seems to take forever, and you have good and bad days. Do you want to try color? So, I said, sure, why not? I wear my hair pixie short to chin length bobs and most often, layered. The next fastest is a pixie cut. How to cover t. I am finding these stories so inspiring. Of course you can wear cute hats, scarves and headbands. I love all of these women ! Thanks. But for my personality and my temperament, the cold turkey grow out was the only option I considered. While we age, we have this build up of old skin due to sun damage, air pollution, smoking cigarettes, DNA, lack of exfoliation, poor diet, wearing making-up thus clogging skin pores, environmental pollution, such as in farming towns; to include not taking care of ones skin from a young age and most importantly not wearing sun screen. My hairdresser said we would have to lifts my hair so much it would turn brittle and break off soI took her word for it. was not in my game plan but I decided to give it a go. I have a hair appointment tomorrow and have been going back and forth about starting now or dye one more time for the holidays. Hi Maxine! She has been doing my hair for many years now. I want to grow my hair out to grey so bad but I am terrified. One of the best decisions about me I have made. I love wisdom of the sages. I personally find the cold turkey gray hair transition fun, but I know not every woman feels that way, so here are 10 ways to help you get through it! SITE CREDIT. This means no touch-ups or anything, except for a haircut here and there. QuickSilverHair is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. I shamelessly ignored it for quite a long time, until April 2016 my first and only grow-out attempt! I have been thinking about letting my gray grow out for several months. I have a very good stylist, and we worked with a combination of color one month, skip 2 months, highlights/lowlights the 3rd month, skip 2 months and start over. It was literally; WTF am I doing??!! Directed by Scott Derrickson from a screenplay by David Scarpa, it stars Keanu Reeves as Klaatu, an alien sent to try and change human behavior in an effort to save Earth from . I felt that I looked like I was letting myself gothat I didnt care about how I looked. To begin with, it was a trend that was spurred on by the pandemic. If you get your gray hair all the way grown out and you hate it, then you can cover that gray back up anytime you want. i also look for products online too!! I'm 34 now and have several grey streaks that resemble highlights in my otherwise brown hair. Unfortunately, at 52 - after at least 25 years of coloring my hair blonde from brown - I've developed a sudden but severe allergy to hair dye, even the more "natural" ones, so I don't have much choice, and cold turkey it's going to be! Then 2 months later 20 foils, toner, cut/styled. This sound like me. Get hair style inspiration. As far as men are concerned if they care so much about the color of my hair , then I wouldnt want to waste my time with them . I guess I feel insecure and afraid of rejection or just being invisible. A pixie cut could have been an option, but I wasnt ready for a drastic change of color and cut at the same time! wonder when/if I will! Obviously, time has passed, Ive grown older and wiser and Ive earned a crown of glory that had been dyed over, time and time again. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new hair and wold never go back to colour. So one day I casually mentioned to my husband, Maybe Ill stop dying my hair., Ill never forget what he said because it was the final push I needed. I'm in the process of going from brunette to gray. What about all the stares? My legs got up and started walking right toward her. I have seen several women in grocery stores and other various places who are letting their grey grow out and sometimes I stop and talk to them for support. If you dont have any of that, consider joining The Gray Book. I am active and happy and I am not the color of my hair !! All submissions for consideration: info@grombre.com (include your IG) I just have to deal with the auburn left on the ends till it goes away in time. The cold turkey method involves letting your gray hair grow as it is without putting any effort. After all, I had decided to get rid of all the chemicals, as well as the time and money spent on the tint! But, then we wondered how we could take this virtual experience and bring it into the real world, so we decided to create a business. I am 61, healthy and health conscious and want to stop dyeing. I have been coloring my hair since I got my first gray hairs in my early thirties. Happy Wednesday ladies. I wasnt feeling good with my hair dye, so I made the decision to stop using it. The amazing women in my life tell me every day how stunning and sophisticated I look. Blue Grey Hair. And my very best to you and your mother. I like it! We started on Instagram 7 months ago, and we already have almost 8K followers. It was awesome seeing my natural hair revealed after all those years of using permanent hair dye! How To Survive Going Gray: The First Year: Tips, Tricks & HacksThis is everything I could think to say about my year of transitioning to gray. Yes good luck & do keep us posted! I dont want to cut it super short and grow it out AGAIN after I just spent the last 18 months growing it out. I'm 72 years old, healthy, people often mistake me for early 60's. Hey, ladies! I still remember how very scary the concept of grey hair was to me. This past 2-3 months has been a very good exercise in patience and humility. Wish me luck yallAndrea the Actress in Virginia. I felt comfortable, then; finally, I wasnt being conditioned by anything other than my free will. Then, I just kind of had a light-bulb momentI probably have that grey! Thank you for reading. It was exciting to see how bright my silver was. And, we want to finally hug and celebrate each other! Their tutorials and advice are priceless! Braids, ponys and buns are super cute too. Cold turkey is when you simply do nothing and grow out your colored hair to its natural gray. I have absolutely no regrets. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. These cookies do not store any personal information. I'm now almost 43, and I'm about . Women who were transitioning to gray started to comment on my pictures and so did I! I'm 45 and at the point of need "touch ups" every couple of weeks. I promise you, once you know those things, the negativity of the world may still sting sometimes, but it cant break you. This became so much more than a journey about hair! Much to my surprise, I have been getting a lot of compliments on both my cut and color! . Supportive Instagram groups, such as @grombre, @embrace.the.gray, @silverandfree, @silversistersinternational, @cottonhairedwomen, @artinaging, @flyageless and @thesilverwomen, just to name a few, are amazing accounts supporting silver sisters. I wanted to ditch the chemicals. Looking back now, it seems funny how exaggerated those fears were. foil layers but very few strands in each foil. Your email address will not be published. What is the best way to go gray from dark brunette hair? I have been dying my hair for so many years now that I have been afraid to let my hair go natural. The Au Natural - Also called the "cold turkey" . You can try Balayage which is lightening your ends. It has come down to me coloring my hair every4 weeks and I could use it every three weeks. Something that will not leave it dull looking. This has been a true transformation both inside and out. For me, deciding to go grey was the outward manifestation of deciding to be real. Good luck, Hi, I just turned 52 and retired from 30 years of teaching. It will sound so cheesy, and others have said it, but you grow in many ways on this journey, and it is so much more than hair. Definition of go cold turkey in the Idioms Dictionary. If you want to transition so no one really notices the change, then find a stylist who can take you through the process. From dark brown to silver was too major and went with a short feathered cut which I have kept. Yes! Reading all the posts has helped and encouraged me to enter into a different phase of my life by embracing the color I have been hiding from for years. Try low-lighting or highlighting your hair to blend in your new growth with your existing hair color. My eyebrows are are still dark which is such a stark contrast to the silver hair. If you choose to go short, you can cut that time down tremendously. In the country I now live, people seem to be more relaxed about their looks and tend to judge less or not care at all about how others look. Cold turkey, shave, partial color, and strip color and add toner. The idea that different countries have different standards of beauty is a widely accepted one. I want to cut back on the relaxing bit I have course hair and I do like the straight look. I'm not sure how I'll deal with it when I start looking like a skunk, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Here are a few ways to make your cold turkey gray hair transition fun and easy! 6. It felt ridiculous to continue another 20 years of dye. Unfortunately, the drugstore selection here leaves much to be desired. Im 56 and am seriously considering stopping the coloring and the highlighting! Since I no longer work outside the home, I do not feel the same pressure to look as young as when I was working. This woman changed my life. My hair stopped falling out, my scalp felt better, the dye was drying it out, and my hair was shinier. Thank you @bree. What is the least painful way to go gray? I could feeeeeel that I wasnt that girl. I went on a great adventure to find myself. In a nutshell; I have elbow length hair that has been colored and hennad since the 80s. I myself have been flirting with the idea of going gray. Was I more beautiful then? My most favorite feeling is when the wind blows, I no longer worry about my roots showing. He is a silver fox and very supportive. I had forgotten how dark my original hair color was. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I started colouring for real by the time I was in my mid-twenties. I dont know if anyone is still on this blog. "I went blonde because I started going gray when I was 23. There is no artificial color whatsoever in it. She was 45, it was hard at first but then it got easier. sit there for two hours and chat with my hairdresser, how to avoid the ugly phase of going gray, My 11 Month Cold Turkey Gray Hair Transition Progress Report, My 4 1/2 Month Gray Hair Transition Progress Report, My 9 Month Gray Hair Transition Progress Report, My 10 Month Cold Turkey Gray Hair Transition Progress Report, 7 Unexpected Benefits of Going Gray From Dyed Hair, 10 Mistakes NEVER to Make If You Want to Successfully Transition to Gray Hair. QuickSilverHair is a Registered Trademark of QuickSilver Moon, LLC. I was thrilled and somewhat curious about how my real hair color would look. So happy you have this blog as it has convinced me to just do it!!!! I knew I was ready and I did it cold turkey. 3) I did not want to go gray quickly . I had people walking up to me, asking me if my hair was real. Only just read this Barb go to your local Saddlery (horse gear shop) and buy a big bottle of purple highlighter that we all use on our grey (white) horses. When I mentioned it to my 18 yr old daughter she talked me out of it. I think the important thing here is to create a social conscience rooted in respect for other humans, to eliminate labels and break beauty taboos. Going grey gracefully (or ever!) I was DONE! So, I get my hair cut every month regardless of which length Im keeping it. I'm going to try someone who works out of their own home, as I think I might prefer that than going to a salon again. Groups like The Gray Book helped so much providing support and inspiration. Whatever you need to do to feel the most comfortabledo it. Discover how empowering & beautiful it can be to embrace your grey on the journey to the silver sisterhood. I realized as I read through the articles and comments that feeling the need to color and cover was from my desire to fit in and please everyone else. If you have any hesitations or concerns speak to your doctor or hair care professional for their support before using any information you find on this site. Im still sexy, funny, powerful, and most of all Im still me.~Alethiea W. I believe if one knows themselves, has self-confidence, it makes the transition easier when outside noise tries to interfere. I filled my head with knowledge and my heart with self-love.And it changed my life!!! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. I am so upset as I was just getting my hair into a nice bob length, all one colour, and now I have to start all over growing out my grey.arghhh. Not all women have the guts to carry the two-toned hair for 15-20 months. To Tanya, dont worry how youll look and especially dont worry about what others think. I just chose to go gray cold turkey, no color corrections, no interfering in my natural grow-out process even if this surely wasn't the most stylish solution Anyone who has started going gray knows that this doesn't happen overnight; it's a process that seems to take forever, and you have good and bad days. The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 2008 American science fiction film serving as a loose adaptation of the 1951 film of the same name (which itself was based on the 1940 short story "Farewell to the Master"). My hair is past shoulder length and I was a natural redhead so no matter how much dying I do, it immediately shows and truly doesnt ever look natural anymore.